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== rand ==
min/max, [max] |- ! scope="row" | Throws | [[../objects/ms.lang.RangeException|ms.lang.RangeException]]
[[../objects/ms.lang.CastException|ms.lang.CastException]] |- ! scope="row" | Since | 3.0.1 |- ! scope="row" | Restricted |
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The output might be:
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The output might be:
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The output might be:
Returns a random number from 0 to max or min to max, depending on usage. Max is exclusive. Min must be less than max. This will return an integer. If no arguments are given, a random double from 0.0 to 1.0 (exclusive) will be returned.
=== Vital Info ===
{| style="width: 40%;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
! scope="col" width="20%" |
! scope="col" width="80%" |
! scope="row" | Name
| rand
! scope="row" | Returns
| mixed
! scope="row" | Usages
| [] min/max, [max] |- ! scope="row" | Throws | [[../objects/ms.lang.RangeException|ms.lang.RangeException]]
[[../objects/ms.lang.CastException|ms.lang.CastException]] |- ! scope="row" | Since | 3.0.1 |- ! scope="row" | Restricted |
! scope="row" | Optimizations
| None
=== Usages ===
rand(min/max, [max])=== Examples === ====Example 1==== Basic usage, with one parameter Given the following code:

1 {{function|rand}}(10)
:5====Example 2==== Basic usage, with a range Given the following code:
rand(50, 100)

1 {{function|rand}}(50, 100)
:95====Example 3==== Usage with no parameters Given the following code:

1 {{function|rand}}()
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